In 1640, the local boyar Stroe Leurdeanu builds with the help of master builder Stoica the manor of Golescu, in its first form of a medieval fortified residence, at that time one of the few such layman residences in Walachia. It featured a rectangular fortification wall, dotted with circular defensive towers. The rectangular gate tower was built close to the church, also built by the Golescu family.
Over the years the Golescu court came to host a series of other functions, alongside those of a fortified residence. In the beginning of the 19th century, the scholar Dinicu Golescu founded a Romanian language school where children of all social background - including girls - studied for free. Also in the 1820s, the history of the place is closely tied to that of the revolutionary leaderTudor Vladimirescu. The Golescu domain was his last stop on his way to Oltenia, shortly afterwards he was betrayed and killed.
Another building of the domain is the infirmary, destined to the old and sick, founded by (ban) minister Radu Golescu. Nowadays the space serves as a temporary exhibit area.
The manor of the Golescu family served for four generations, undergoing numerous alterations. Its present day look is a result of the restoration process of the 1960-1970s.
The domain also include a park where a small ethnographic museum is located.
After many years in the possession of the Golescu family the domain was donated to the state, and in 1939, through a Royal Decreet, the Dinicu Golescu Museum was created, which is still functional.